Friday, October 22, 2010

Conversations At A Yard Sale

Our neighborhood is having an advertised yard sale.  I'd like to clean out the storage room and garage a bit so I littered our driveway with our life's disposable memory-makers.

I cannot post everything now as I have to attend the driveway; I've already had two interesting interactions with buyers.  (Most yard-salers are tire-kickers and insufferable deal-seekers--"How much for that?"  "A buck."  "Would you take 50 cents for it?"  Jeesh.  These folks, however, actually bought something.)

That will be the Weekend Post, my day at the yard sale.  It is always interesting to have other bundles of experience, a.k.a. people's life perspective, invade upon your own way of seeing the world.  It is doubly fun when it happens while they are buying the things you no longer want around.  In addition for the exchange of money for goods, I'm getting flesh-and-blood lessons in life perspective.

That's worth losing 50 cents on a dollar scented candle.

Be back later with a Weekend post.